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My Personal Favorite: Alinda Wasner

Alinda Wasner

At this moment in time, which of your own poems is your personal favorite, and why?


And There Is Eternity

And today she promises 

she will go there 

and buy the house back—

the one I sold when she was small—

and live in it forever because

the bloom of light from the street lamp

outside the bedroom window

spun the curtains into gold 

and in the deepest hour

the trains rumbled past

making the windows

sing a little tune

and the floorboards hummed

as if dreams 

tunneled under

and we were safe there together 

she in her little bed beside my big one

where we reached our hands out

and held on tight

until morning

painted the walls

so delicious a yellow

you wanted to lick them

and she swears she loved

the smell of moss 

that made a tiny carpet 

just outside the back door 

(though I don’t remember this) 

where the wind chimes 

argued day and night

and the spruce trees 

whispered the kind of secrets 

that made a little river

inside her heart—

the same river 

I kissed a boy in 

when I was her age

and let him kiss me back.


There are some poems that just leap out of your heart and your pen and even make you cry as you write them.  This is my favorite poem because it captures all the emotions of having to leave a childhood home to which one can return  only in one’s heart in a sort of grief process that can last for years.  In my own life that was sad enough.  But when my granddaughter begged me not to sell the home I lived in when she was small and spent every weekend with me, there, I”d had no idea she had felt the same depth of loss that I had.  Such a poignant time, childhood!  



Alinda Wasner, The Starving Poet

Listed in Poets and Writers, Alinda Wasner’s work has appeared in Fresh WaterWomen Writing About the Great Lakes, (a Michigan Best Book) Avatar Review, New Millennium Poets, Passages North,  Wayne Review, Wittenberg Review, Blue Lake Review, Corridors, Comstock Review, UpStreet, Paint Creek Press, Outsider Writers, Corridors, Inkwell, InSpirit, The MacGuffin, Up the Staircase, Moving Out, The Detroit Free Press, Detroit Metro Times and Michigan Natural Resources, among others. Her chapbooks include Departures/Arrivals was published by ML Liebler’s Ridgeway Press, and her latest, Kissing The Ikons, which is available for sale on

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